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What Will the Economy and World Look Like with Billions of Humanoid Robots?

September 14, 2024
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Elon Musk famously stated that a future with sentient humanoid robots could lead to an economy with no meaningful limits. ARK Invest, known for its forward-thinking research, recently published a report exploring how humanoid robots could transform the global economy. This article delves into the possibilities raised by Musk and ARK’s report, examining the impact robots may have on household tasks, manufacturing, small businesses, and the broader workforce.

Economic and Labor Transformation

The widespread adoption of humanoid robots is expected to profoundly shift the global economy. According to ARK Invest, robots could unlock a $24 trillion revenue stream, equally split between household and manufacturing sectors. In the home, these robots could take over routine tasks like cleaning, cooking, or even security roles. Meanwhile, in manufacturing, they could replace humans in dangerous, repetitive, or physically demanding jobs, drastically reducing the cost of labor while increasing efficiency and output. ARK estimates that the introduction of robots at scale could halve labor costs, leading to significant economic gains across sectors.

One of the most striking predictions from ARK’s report is that humanoid robots could work twice the hours of a typical human employee—up to 80 hours per week, or 4,000 hours annually. With no need for breaks, vacations, or sleep, robots would deliver the same output as human workers but at a fraction of the long-term cost. This would make them a powerful economic tool for companies looking to optimize productivity.

Impact on Small vs. Large Firms

While large firms with specialized tasks and automated systems would see benefits from robots, smaller businesses might experience even more transformative gains. ARK highlights that smaller companies, where workers often perform a variety of tasks, could experience a disproportionate improvement in productivity and labor cost reduction through humanoid automation. Since small businesses make up a significant portion of the manufacturing sector in the U.S., this could have far-reaching effects on economic resilience and job creation.

Small firms, which often cannot afford advanced automation systems, would find humanoid robots to be an accessible solution for their needs. This could level the playing field, allowing smaller players to compete with large corporations by using robots for general tasks. As humanoid robots become more affordable and versatile, the barriers for small firms to scale their operations could diminish.

The Future of Manufacturing and Productivity

ARK’s report estimates that U.S. manufacturing alone could employ 5.9 million robots to replace half the human workforce, which currently consists of 12 million workers. This would be achieved without a loss in total output. The productivity improvements enabled by robots working 80 hours a week could revolutionize manufacturing, where many processes are still labor-intensive despite the rise of automated systems.

Humanoid robots could also complement specialized machines and AI-driven systems, working alongside existing automation technologies to perform tasks that require adaptability and dexterity, something current industrial robots struggle with.

For larger firms, humanoid robots could serve as a flexible workforce, handling tasks that still require human-like decision-making while existing automation tackles highly repetitive jobs. This blend of human and robotic labor could further drive down operational costs and improve overall efficiency.

Tailwinds for Humanoid Robots: COVID-19 and Beyond

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains and labor markets. As factories shut down and workers stayed home, companies faced massive disruptions in production. These challenges have accelerated interest in onshoring and automation, particularly in humanoid robots. With robots, businesses would no longer have to worry about labor shortages or supply chain disruptions caused by pandemics or other crises. Robots could work tirelessly through such disruptions, providing stability to companies and economies.

This trend toward automation aligns with a broader shift in global labor dynamics. As many companies have learned, relying too heavily on human labor in critical industries leaves them exposed to risks beyond their control. Humanoid robots could mitigate those risks by providing a reliable, always-on workforce.

The Path to Widespread Adoption

Despite the benefits, humanoid robots are still in their early stages. They will debut at higher price points and with more limited capabilities compared to their human counterparts. However, as ARK’s research shows, the key tipping point will come when the net present value of a robot’s productivity gain exceeds its cost. The report estimates that even at $116,000, robots would only need to deliver a 5% productivity boost to justify their economic value. As technological advancements drive prices down, adoption will accelerate.

Companies like Tesla, with its Optimus robot, Boston Dynamics, and Figure are at the forefront of humanoid robotics. Each is developing robots that promise to transform industries from manufacturing to household services. While Tesla’s Optimus robot has garnered the most attention, Boston Dynamics and Figure are also making strides in this space, with innovative designs and expanding capabilities. These companies are leading a race to create robots that can perform complex human tasks at scale.

Beyond Productivity: Ethical and Social Implications

The introduction of millions—or even billions—of humanoid robots raises several ethical and social questions. While robots may help alleviate labor shortages and improve productivity, they also pose risks to job security for millions of workers. This shift could lead to widespread unemployment in industries heavily reliant on human labor. Governments and policymakers will need to address these challenges, potentially through re-skilling programs, social safety nets, or even new economic frameworks such as universal basic income.

At the same time, robots could usher in a new era of human creativity. By automating repetitive and dangerous tasks, robots would free humans to focus on more meaningful, innovative work. This could lead to advancements in science, art, and technology that were previously unimaginable.


The future with billions of humanoid robots is both exciting and challenging. According to ARK Invest’s predictions, humanoid robots will become an integral part of everyday life and the global economy. They could revolutionize industries, reshape labor markets, and redefine productivity on a scale never before seen. While the economic potential is enormous, it will be essential to carefully manage the social and ethical implications of this technological shift. As robots continue to improve in both cost and capability, we may soon find ourselves in a world where robots work tirelessly alongside us—or even in place of us.

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