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Voip Meaning

May 17, 2024
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In our increasingly connected digital world, communication methods continue to evolve, making room for more innovative, cost-effective, and efficient solutions. Voice Over Internet Protocol, popularly known as VoIP, stands at the forefront of this evolution. This tech allows users to make voice calls using a broadband internet connection instead of the traditional analog phone line.

Understanding VoIP

VoIP converts voice vibrations into digital signals that are then transmitted over the internet. Unlike traditional telephony that requires dedicated circuits for each call, VoIP uses packet-switched protocols, which enable your voice data to be sent in "packets" over the network and then reassembled at the receiving end. This technology can be utilized not only for phone calls but also for video calls, instant messaging, and multimedia sessions.

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Components of a VoIP System

A typical VoIP system comprises several components:

User devices: These are end-user devices such as computers, IP phones, or mobile devices with VoIP apps.

Data Networks: An internet connection that facilitates the transmission of voice packets.

VoIP Service Provider: A third party that provides connectivity to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) for calling non-VoIP numbers.

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Benefits of VoIP

  1. Cost-Effective: VoIP dramatically reduces the cost of communication, especially for long-distance and international calls. All you need is an internet connection.
  2. Portability: VoIP services are not location-based, meaning you can make and receive calls wherever you have broadband connectivity.
  3. Multi-functional: Apart from making voice calls, you can also transmit video and data using VoIP. This facilitates multimedia conferencing, file sharing, voicemail, etc.
  4. Scalability: As businesses grow, they can easily scale their VoIP systems by just adding new endpoints, without significant capital investment.
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Considerations Before Implementing VoIP

Before making a leap to VoIP, several considerations should be kept in mind:

  1. Internet Connection: Your VoIP service quality heavily relies on your internet connection. Ensure that you have a robust and reliable internet connection with sufficient bandwidth.
  2. Equipment: Depending on the nature of your usage, you may need to invest in hardware such as IP phones or headsets.
  3. Emergency Calls: Traditionally, VoIP has struggled with providing accurate location information for emergency calls. While advancements have been made, ensure your provider can handle emergency call routing effectively.
  4. Security: Like any internet-based service, VoIP is vulnerable to cyber attacks. It's important to implement security measures like encryption and firewalls.
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The migration from traditional phone lines to VoIP is a significant step forward in the world of digital communication. Its advantages make it a compelling option for both businesses and individuals. However, careful consideration should be given to factors like the quality of internet connectivity, security measures, and emergency service support before adopting VoIP. By making informed decisions, users can harness the full power of this revolutionary technology.


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What is an example VoIP?

  1. Skype: Skype is a popular VoIP service that is often used for business and personal communication. Skype provides free VoIP calls between Skype users and charges for calls made to landline or mobile numbers. It also offers features like video conferencing, instant messaging, and file sharing.
  2. Google Voice: Google Voice is a free service that allows users to make VoIP calls, send text messages, and manage voicemails. It provides a unique phone number which can be forwarded to multiple devices, enabling users to receive calls on any device they choose.
  3. Zoom: Initially known for its video conferencing capabilities, Zoom also offers VoIP services as part of its package. It has become popular, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, for both personal and professional use.
  4. Vonage: Vonage is a VoIP service provider known for its residential and business VoIP services. It offers a range of features like call forwarding, voicemail to email transcription, and simultaneous ring.
  5. RingCentral: RingCentral is a business VoIP service that offers features like auto-attendants, voicemail, call forwarding, and call recording.
  6. Cisco WebEx: Known for its business conferencing solutions, Cisco WebEx also provides VoIP services as part of its offerings. It has integrated voice and video calling, messaging, and content sharing in one application.
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What are the 3 disadvantages of VoIP?

  1. Dependency on Internet Connection: VoIP relies on a stable and high-speed internet connection to work efficiently. If your internet connection is slow, unreliable, or suffers from high latency, you may experience poor call quality, dropped calls, or service interruptions. Moreover, if your internet service goes down entirely, you'll lose your ability to make or receive calls.
  2. Power Outages: Traditional telephone lines often continue to work during power outages, but since VoIP depends on an internet connection, it may not function during a power outage. This could pose a problem in emergency situations when you need to make calls. Of course, this can be mitigated with backup power systems or using mobile data as an alternative internet source.
  3. Quality of Service and Security: Although many VoIP providers offer excellent call quality and robust security features, these can vary widely between providers. Poor quality of service may result in laggy or dropped calls. Security is also a concern because VoIP calls can be vulnerable to cyber attacks, such as eavesdropping or VoIP phishing scams. It's crucial to choose a VoIP provider that prioritizes both quality of service and security to mitigate these potential issues.
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Why is my phone a VoIP?

You're using a VoIP service on your phone: If you're using a service like Skype, Google Voice, or another VoIP service on your smartphone or computer, then your mobile device can technically be considered a "VoIP phone." This is because you're using the device to make calls over the internet, rather than through traditional telephone lines.

You have a dedicated VoIP phone: Some businesses and home offices use dedicated VoIP phones, which look like traditional desk phones but connect directly to the internet, usually through Ethernet. These phones are designed to work with specific VoIP services, offering features like call forwarding, voicemail transcription, and more.

It's also possible that your phone number was ported from a traditional phone service to a VoIP service. Many VoIP services allow you to keep your existing phone number when you switch over to their service.

Lastly, some mobile service providers use a technology called Voice over LTE (VoLTE), which is a standard for high-speed wireless communication that allows for calls over a 4G LTE network, rather than traditional voice networks. While it's not the same as VoIP, the underlying principle of transmitting voice as data over networks is similar.

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What is the difference between WIFI and VoIP?

Wi-Fi and VoIP are different technologies that serve different purposes, but they can work together.

Wi-Fi: This is a technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless network connectivity. Wi-Fi allows devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets to connect to the internet and to each other without physical wires. When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, you're connecting to a local area network (LAN) that's usually connected to the wider internet.

VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a method of transmitting voice communications (like phone calls) over the internet instead of through traditional telephone lines. This is done by converting analog voice signals into digital data that can be transmitted over the internet. VoIP can be used over any internet connection, not just Wi-Fi - it can also be used over a wired Ethernet connection, for example, or a cellular data connection.

In summary, Wi-Fi is a method of connecting devices to the internet wirelessly, while a VoIP telephone service is a way of making phone calls over an internet connection (which could be a Wi-Fi connection, but could also be some other type of internet connection). You might use a Wi-Fi connection to access a VoIP service on your smartphone or computer, for example.

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Is VoIP like a landline?

VoIP and landline services serve a similar basic purpose - they allow you to make and receive voice calls - but they do so using very different technologies.

Landline Services: These are traditional phone services that use physical copper or fiber-optic lines to transmit analog voice signals. This is an older technology that's been in use for over a century. Landlines are typically reliable and offer high-quality sound, but they are less flexible than most VoIP service providers and typically offer fewer features. For example, moving a landline to a new location often requires a visit from a technician to physically reroute or install lines.

VoIP Services (Voice over Internet Protocol): VoIP services transmit voice calls as digital data over the internet. This means you can make and receive calls from any device with an internet connection - not just from a specific physical location or phone. VoIP services are more flexible than landline services and often offer advanced features like voicemail transcription, call forwarding to multiple devices, video calling, and more.

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What is VoIP and example?

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a technology that allows for voice communications to be transmitted over the internet, rather than through traditional telephone lines. With VoIP, analog voice signals are converted into digital data packets and transmitted over the internet.

Here's an example of how VoIP might be used:

Let's say you're using a service like Skype. You have a headset connected to your computer, and you're calling a friend who also has Skype installed on their computer.

You initiate the call through the Skype application on your computer.

Your voice is captured by the microphone in your headset, and the Skype software converts your voice from an analog signal into digital data packets.

These data packets are transmitted over your internet connection to your friend's computer.

The Skype software on your friend's computer receives these data packets, converts them back into an analog signal, and plays this signal through your friend's speakers. This allows your friend to hear your voice over ip over.

This process also works in reverse, allowing your friend to talk to you. Because this all happens in real-time, it allows for a conversation just like a traditional phone call - but instead of using a traditional telephone line though, the call is happening over the internet.

Besides Skype, other examples of VoIP services include Google Voice, Zoom, Vonage, and RingCentral. These services can often be used not only on a computer, but also on smartphones and dedicated VoIP phones. They often include features like call forwarding, voicemail transcription, and more.

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Can a cell phone call a VoIP phone?

Yes, a cell phone can call a VoIP phone. One of the key advantages of analog phones over VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services is their interoperability with the traditional telephone network.

This means that you can use a regular cell phone or a landline phone to call a VoIP number, and vice versa. The call goes through the regular telephone network until it reaches a point of presence, where it is then transferred over the internet to reach the VoIP phone.

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Why would someone use a VoIP?

Cost Savings: VoIP calls, especially long-distance and international ones, are generally much cheaper than traditional landline telephone calls. In many cases, calls between users on the same VoIP service (like Skype to Skype, for example) are free.

Portability: With VoIP, you can make and receive calls from anywhere you have an internet connection. This is great for remote workers or anyone who travels frequently. Also, with a VoIP service, you can usually keep your phone number even if you move to a different city or country.

Advanced Features: VoIP services often include features like voicemail-to-email transcription, call forwarding, automatic call recording, and video conferencing. These features are usually included at no extra charge, unlike traditional phone services that often charge extra for similar features.

Integration with Other Services: VoIP solutions can often be integrated with other communication and business services. For example, a business might integrate their VoIP system with their customer relationship management (CRM) software to streamline their operations.

Scalability: VoIP services are easy to scale up or down as needed. This makes them a good choice for businesses that expect to grow or that have fluctuating demand.

What does VoIP mean after a phone number?

If you see "VoIP" listed after a phone number, it likely indicates that the number is associated with a Voice over Internet Protocol service. This means the phone number is not tied to a traditional landline, but instead uses the internet to make and receive calls.

VoIP numbers can be used in the same way as a traditional phone line call numbers. You can call them from landlines, cell phones, or other VoIP lines, and they can call out to these devices as well.

It's also worth noting that some VoIP services allow users to select their phone numbers, including the area code. This means the area code might not necessarily represent the geographic location of the caller, which is typically the case with more traditional landline phone numbers.

What is the difference between IP phone and VoIP?

The terms "IP Phone" and "VoIP" are related but refer to different things:

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): This is a technology or method for transmitting voice communications over the internet, rather than through traditional telephone lines. It involves converting voice signals into digital data that can be sent over the internet. VoIP can be used on many different devices, including computers, smartphones, and dedicated VoIP phones.

IP Phone (Internet Protocol Phone): This is a type of hardware (a physical device) that's designed specifically to be used with VoIP technology. An IP phone connects directly to the internet via a wired Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi, and it has hardware and software that enables it to handle VoIP calls. IP phones often look similar to traditional telephones but are designed to work with VoIP technology.

So, the difference is that a VoIP phone system is a method of transmitting voice calls over the internet, while an IP phone is a physical device that's used to make and receive those VoIP calls. You can think of VoIP as the system or technology, and the IP phone as one type of device that can use that technology.

Why would you use a VoIP phone?

Using a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone can offer several advantages over traditional landline telephony, especially for businesses. Here are some reasons why one might choose to use a VoIP phone:

Cost Savings: VoIP calls are typically less expensive than traditional phone calls, especially for long-distance or international calls. This can result in substantial savings for businesses that make a lot of such calls.

Flexibility and Mobility: A VoIP phone can be used from any location with a suitable internet connection. This means you could take your VoIP phone to a different office, to your home, or even to a different country, and still make and receive calls on your normal business number.

Scalability: It's easy to add or remove VoIP phones as a business grows or contracts. This flexibility can be a big advantage for businesses with changing needs.

Advanced Features: VoIP phones often come with features that are not available with traditional phones, or that would be more expensive to add. These can include voicemail-to-email transcription, automatic call forwarding, call recording, conference calling, video calling, and integration with other business software.

Unified Communications: VoIP phones can be part of a unified communications system, where all forms of business communication, including voice calls, video calls, email, instant messaging, fax, and more, are integrated into a single system.

Keep in mind, though, that the quality of VoIP calls can be affected by the speed and reliability of your internet connection. Power outages can also disrupt VoIP service, unless you have backup power available. Therefore, it's important to ensure that your internet connection is reliable and robust enough to handle VoIP service before deciding to switch.

How does VoIP work on cell phones?

Here's a basic explanation of how it works:

Installation of VoIP App: The first step is to install a VoIP application on your cell phone. There are many different VoIP services available, such as Skype, WhatsApp, Google Voice, Zoom, etc., and most of them offer apps for both Android and iOS devices.

Internet Connection: VoIP requires an internet connection to function. This could be Wi-Fi or your mobile phone's cellular data connection.

Making a Call: When you make a call using the VoIP app, it converts your voice into digital data packets.

Transmission: These data packets are then sent over the internet to the recipient.

Receiving a Call: If you're on the receiving end of the call, the process works in reverse. The VoIP app on your phone receives the data packets, converts them back into voice data, and then outputs the sound through your phone's speaker.

Just remember, using VoIP on your cell phone will use data if you're not connected to a Wi-Fi network. So, if you have a limited data plan, you'll want to monitor your usage to avoid potential overage charges.

Is Teams an example of VoIP?

Yes, Microsoft Teams is an example of a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service. Teams provides voice calls, video calls, and text messaging over the internet. You can use Teams to call other users within your organization directly, and with the right setup and licensing (like Microsoft 365 Business Voice in countries where it's available), you can also use Teams to call external phone numbers.

Microsoft Teams can be used on a wide variety of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, making it a flexible choice for businesses of all sizes. It's particularly powerful when used in conjunction with other Microsoft services, as it offers seamless integration with the rest of the Microsoft 365 suite.

Is Zoom a VoIP service?

Yes, Zoom is a type of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service. It allows users to make voice calls, video calls, and send instant messages over the internet. While it's best known for its video conferencing capabilities, Zoom also supports audio-only conference calls, making it a versatile communication tool.

Additionally, Zoom offers a feature called Zoom Phone, a cloud phone system available as an add-on to Zoom's video communications suite. This service provides more than traditional phone system and VoIP features like a dedicated phone number, voicemail, call forwarding, and the ability to make and receive phone calls to and from traditional phone numbers.

Is Slack a VoIP phone service?

Slack is a digital workspace that offers a variety of communication tools, including text messaging, file sharing, and integration with many other software tools. While it does include VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) capabilities, such as direct voice and video calls between individual users, it's not a "phone service" in the traditional sense.

You can't use Slack to make calls to or receive calls from traditional phone numbers like you would with a full-featured VoIP phone service such as Google Voice or Skype. Slack's voice and video calling features are intended for communication between Slack users within the platform.

However, Slack's VoIP capabilities are a significant part of its functionality, allowing for real-time communication in addition to asynchronous messaging. Also, it's possible to integrate Slack with other services, including more traditional VoIP services, which could potentially add more phone-like capabilities.

So, while Slack does use VoIP technology for its voice and video calls, it doesn't serve as a complete replacement for a traditional or VoIP phone service.

Is Discord a VoIP phone service?

Yes, Discord is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service. However, it's not a "phone service" in the traditional sense.

Discord is primarily designed for text and voice communication within communities, often centered around gaming, hobbies, or other shared interests. It provides voice channels where users can speak to each other in real-time, similar to a conference call. These voice channels can accommodate many users at once, and users can freely join or leave these channels as they wish.

Unlike some VoIP services, such as Skype or Google Voice, Discord doesn't provide each user with a phone number, and you can't use it to make calls to or receive calls from traditional phone numbers. Discord operates more like a closed system, where communication takes place between Discord users within the platform itself.

So, while Discord does use VoIP technology for its voice channels, it doesn't function as a replacement for traditional phone service or more full-featured VoIP services.

Is RingCentral a VoIP Service?

Yes, RingCentral is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service. They provide a variety of communication and collaboration tools over the internet, including voice calls, video conferencing, messaging, and more.

RingCentral is often used by businesses of various sizes due to its comprehensive offerings. In addition to basic VoIP functionality, it also provides features like auto-attendants (an automated system that can answer and route incoming calls themselves), advanced call management, integration with CRM systems, team messaging, and more.

Its services are cloud-based, meaning you don't need to install or maintain any special hardware. You just need an internet connection and a device (like a smartphone, computer, or VoIP-enabled desk phone) to use the service.

What is VoIP called now?

VoIP is still commonly referred to as VoIP, an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol. It refers to the technology or method for transmitting voice and multimedia communications over the internet, rather than via traditional telephone lines.

However, the term "VoIP" can be used interchangeably with other terms, depending on the context. Here are a few related terms you might encounter:

Internet Telephony: This is a broad term that covers any telecommunication service that uses the internet. VoIP is a type of internet telephony.

IP Telephony (IPT): This term refers to the use of IP-based networks to build, provide, and access voice or multimedia communication services. VoIP is the primary technology used for IP telephony.

Broadband Phone Service: This term is often used by service providers offering VoIP services to consumers. It emphasizes that the service uses the customer's broadband internet connection, as opposed to traditional telephone lines.

Cloud Phone or Cloud Calling: These terms are often used when the VoIP services are delivered from the cloud, with no hardware (like a PBX box) located on the customer's premises. Cloud-based VoIP systems are popular with businesses because of their scalability and flexibility.

What are the downsides of VoIP?

Dependence on Internet Connection: VoIP services require a stable and fast internet connection. If your internet is slow, unreliable, or goes down, your phone service will be affected. This could lead to poor call quality, dropped calls, or no service at all.

Power Outages: Unlike traditional landline phones, which can function during power outages, VoIP phones require power to operate. If the power goes out and you don't have a backup power source, your VoIP service won't work.

Quality of Service: Call quality on VoIP can be affected by various factors including bandwidth constraints, network congestion, and packet loss. Poor call quality can manifest as latency (delay), jitter (varying delay), or packet loss (sound dropouts).

Emergency Calls: VoIP services can have issues with emergency calls (like 911 in the U.S.). Since VoIP is not tied to a fixed location, it can be difficult for emergency services to accurately identify your location. However, many VoIP providers now offer E911 services that allow you to register your physical address.

Security Vulnerabilities: As with any internet-connected technology, VoIP systems can be vulnerable to cyber threats, such as hacking and phishing attacks. However, many providers offer robust security features and encryption to mitigate these risks.

Setup and Transition: While setting up a VoIP system is generally straightforward, businesses transitioning from traditional phone systems to a VoIP phone systems may face some initial setup costs and possible disruption during the transition.

What is the protocol of VoIP?

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, uses a number of protocols to deliver voice and multimedia communications over the internet. Some of the most commonly used protocols in a VoIP setup include:

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): This is a signaling protocol used to establish, modify, and terminate multimedia sessions such as VoIP calls. It handles the setup of voice or video calls.

Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP): RTP is used to transport audio and video over IP networks. It's designed to handle the transmission of real-time data, including audio and video.

Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP): This works in conjunction with RTP to provide feedback on the quality of service being provided by RTP. It allows the system to detect network issues and adjust accordingly.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP): Both these protocols are used in the transport layer of the IP network stack and can be used by VoIP services. UDP is commonly used for VoIP because it offers faster speeds by sacrificing guarantee of packet delivery.

Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP): MGCP is a standard protocol for handling the signaling and session management needed to maintain voice calls over IP networks.

H.323: This is an older VoIP protocol suite that provides specifications for real-time, interactive videoconferencing, data sharing, and audio applications such as IP telephony.

These protocols are used in combination to provide the service known as VoIP. They each have a role in ensuring that voice data is correctly packaged, transmitted, received, and interpreted, allowing for voice communication over the internet.

Is VoIP a network protocol?

Yes, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) refers to a collection of network protocols and technologies that are used to deliver voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

When we refer to VoIP, we're usually talking about a suite of protocols, including:

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): SIP is used to initiate, modify, and terminate multimedia communication sessions like VoIP calls.

Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP): RTP is a network protocol that allows for the transmission of audio and video data in real time. In a VoIP context, it's used to transmit the audio data that makes up the voice call.

Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP): RTCP is used in conjunction with RTP to provide feedback on the quality of the data distribution. This is used to control network congestion and other issues that might impact the quality of a VoIP call.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP): These are foundational internet protocols used to transmit data across the network. VoIP services can use both, but often prefer UDP for its speed, despite its lack of reliability guarantees.

Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) and H.323: These are older protocols that may still be used in some VoIP contexts for call signaling and control.

So, in summary, VoIP refers to a set of network protocols that are used to carry voice calls over IP networks. It's not a single protocol, but a collection of protocols working together.

Is VoIP over TCP?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) can technically run over both Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which are foundational internet protocols for transmitting data. However, UDP is generally the preferred choice for VoIP communications due to its characteristics. Here's why:

UDP: VoIP often uses UDP because it's faster and more efficient for real-time communication services. UDP does not provide the rigorous delivery guarantees of TCP (it does not confirm receipt of packets), but it incurs less overhead and delay. In a VoIP conversation, it's often better to miss a packet (which might result in a slight and usually unnoticeable sound glitch) than wait for retransmission of lost packets, which would create noticeable lag in the conversation.

TCP: TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that ensures all packets arrive at their destination and in the correct order. This is crucial for many types of data, but less so for real-time voice data. The use of TCP could introduce a delay, which is undesirable in real-time communication. However, some VoIP-related protocols like SIP can use TCP for the signaling portion of the conversation, to ensure that call setup, modification, and teardown commands are received and processed.

So, while most VoIP providers can use both TCP and UDP, the majority of the actual voice data transmission typically occurs over UDP due to its advantages for real-time, latency-sensitive communication.

What is the difference between IP and VoIP?

IP stands for "Internet Protocol," which is a method by which data is sent from one a computer or mobile device to another on the internet. It's one of the main protocols in the suite of internet protocols (IP) and serves a fundamental role in the operation of the internet. Each computer (known as a "host") on the internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the internet.

VoIP, on the other hand, stands for "Voice over Internet Protocol." It's a specific application of IP technology—specifically, a group of methodologies and technologies that allow for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over internet protocol networks. In other words, VoIP is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband internet connection instead of a regular (analog) phone line.

So, the main difference is that IP is a broad, fundamental internet technology that allows for the routing and sending of data across networks, while VoIP is a specific application of that technology, focused on transmitting voice data over the internet.

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