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Virtual Interview Tips

May 17, 2024
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20 Video Interview Tips to Help You Dazzle the Hiring Manager and Get the Job

image for Stork's blog post on virtual interview tips

Greetings, job seekers and common video interview software enthusiasts alike! Congratulations on securing a virtual interview, an opportunity to showcase your skills and make a lasting impression from the comfort of your home. In this article, we'll delve into 20 professional video interview tips to help you stand out and ace your virtual meetings with confidence. Let's get started!

Dress to Impress, Head to Toe

While it may be tempting to sport business attire only from the waist up, dressing professionally head to toe will boost your confidence and prevent any unforeseen mishaps. You never know when you might need to stand up or adjust your camera.

Opt for a Quiet and Well-Lit Space

Find a quiet location with ample lighting to ensure clear visibility and audibility during the interview. A clutter-free backdrop is ideal, as it minimizes distractions and keeps the focus on you.

Test Your Technology in Advance

A day before the interview, check your internet connection, camera, and microphone to avoid any last-minute technical hiccups. Familiarize yourself with the video conferencing platform, so you can navigate seamlessly.

Mind Your Body Language

Non-verbal cues matter in virtual interviews. Sit up straight, maintain eye contact with the camera, and offer a confident smile to create a positive impression in person interviews.

Beware of Over-Nodding

While nodding indicates active listening, excessive nodding may come across as insincere. Strike a balance and use nods strategically to show engagement.

Handle Pet and Family Interruptions Gracefully

Prepare for potential interruptions from pets or family members. Politely excuse yourself if needed, and address the situation calmly before resuming the interview.

Master the Virtual Handshake

Offer a virtual handshake by greeting the interviewer with a warm and professional hello at the beginning of the meeting.

Research the Company and Interviewer

Thoroughly research the company and the interviewer to demonstrate your genuine interest and align your responses accordingly.

Prepare Concise Answers

Craft well-structured, concise responses that highlight your accomplishments and skills. Avoid rambling or going off-topic.

Utilize the STAR Method

Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to answer behavioral questions effectively, providing specific examples from your experiences.

Monitor Your Tone and Pace

Speak clearly and maintain a moderate pace to ensure your words are easily understood. Avoid speaking too quickly or too slowly.

Be Enthusiastic and Authentic

Show enthusiasm for the role and company, while remaining true to your personality. Authenticity leaves a lasting impression.

Avoid Technical Jargon

While you may be an expert in your field, avoid excessive technical jargon that could confuse or overwhelm the interviewer.

Prepare Questions for the Interviewer

Demonstrate your interest and engagement by preparing thoughtful questions about the company and the role.

Mind Your Virtual Presence

Close irrelevant tabs and applications on your computer to minimize distractions during the interview.

Practice with a Mock Interview

Ask a friend or family member to conduct a mock interview to help you gain confidence and receive constructive feedback.

Focus on Your Accomplishments

Don't shy away from showcasing your achievements. Be proud and articulate your contributions with confidence.

Showcase Your Adaptability

Highlight your ability to adapt to remote work by sharing experiences of successful remote projects.

Express Your Appreciation

Follow up with a thank-you email expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to interview with the company.

Learn from Every Interview

Whether you succeed in virtual job interview or not, each interview is a learning experience. Take note of what went well and identify areas for improvement.

Remember, preparation and professionalism are key to excelling in virtual interviews. By following these virtual interview tips below, you'll impress the hiring manager and increase your chances of landing the job you've been dreaming of. Good luck, and may your virtual interviews be as smooth as a well-rehearsed symphony!

Best practices for video interviews

image for Stork's blog post on virtual interview tips

Video interviews have become an integral part of the modern hiring process, offering convenience and accessibility for both employers and job candidates. To ensure a successful video interview, consider the following best practices:

1. Test Your Technology: Test your internet connection, camera, and microphone in advance to avoid technical issues during the interview. Familiarize yourself with the video conferencing platform being used.

2. Choose the Right Location: Select a quiet and well-lit space for your interview, free from distractions and with a clutter-free background. Ensure that you have a professional setting that reflects positively on you.

3. Dress Professionally: Dress as you would for an in-person job interview, from head to toe. A professional appearance demonstrates your seriousness and respect for the opportunity.

4. Mind Your Body Language: Maintain good posture, make eye contact with the camera, and smile to convey confidence and engagement.

5. Eliminate Distractions: Silence your phone, turn off notifications, and close unnecessary applications or tabs on your computer to avoid distractions during the interview.

6. Prepare Ahead of Time: Research the company and the position thoroughly to understand their values, goals, and requirements. Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer.

7. Be Punctual: Log into the video call a few minutes early to test the connection and ensure everything is working properly. Being punctual demonstrates professionalism and respect for the interviewer's time.

8. Speak Clearly and Concisely: Enunciate your words clearly and maintain a moderate pace when speaking. Keep your answers concise, focusing on the most relevant information.

9. Use the STAR Method for Behavioral Questions: When answering behavioral questions, use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses and provide specific examples from your experiences.

10. Show Enthusiasm and Authenticity: Express genuine interest in the position and the company. Let your personality shine through while remaining professional.

11. Maintain Eye Contact: Look into the camera when speaking, as this gives the impression of maintaining eye contact with the interviewer.

12. Avoid Multitasking: Stay focused and avoid multitasking during the interview. Give your full attention to the conversation.

13. Stay Calm and Confident: Remain composed, even if technical glitches occur. If an interruption happens, handle it gracefully and professionally.

14. Follow Up with a Thank-You Email: After the interview, send a thank-you email to express your appreciation for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.

15. Learn from Each Interview: Reflect on each video interview, identifying areas for improvement, and applying what you've learned to future pre recorded video interviews..

By following these best practices, you'll set yourself up for success in video interviews and increase your chances of making a positive and lasting impression on potential employers. Remember, preparation, professionalism, and a positive attitude are the keys to acing video interviews and moving one step closer to your career goals.

Video interview vendors and software

image for Stork's blog post on virtual interview tips

As of my last update in September 2021, there are numerous video interview vendors and software available to facilitate virtual interviews. However, the landscape of technology is continually evolving, and new platforms may have emerged since then. Here are some well-known video interview vendors and software that were popular as of my last knowledge update:

1. Zoom: Zoom is a widely used video conferencing platform that offers reliable video and audio quality, making it popular for both personal and professional use, including interviews.

2. Microsoft Teams: Part of the Microsoft 365 suite, Microsoft Teams includes video conferencing features that many organizations use for virtual interviews friend video chat and team collaboration.

3. Google Meet (formerly Google Hangouts Meet): Google Meet is Google's video conferencing solution, integrated with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). It allows for easy scheduling of video calls, and hosting of virtual interviews.

4. Skype for Business: Though Microsoft has been transitioning users to Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business was previously used for video interviews and communication within organizations.

5. Cisco Webex Meetings: Webex Meetings is a video conferencing platform known for its robust features and security measures, making it suitable for interviews and corporate meetings.

6. HireVue: HireVue is a video interviewing platform designed explicitly for recruitment purposes. It includes features like AI-driven assessments and interview scheduling.

7. Spark Hire: Spark Hire provides video interviewing and other video interview skills assessment solutions for talent acquisition, helping streamline the hiring process.

8. VidCruiter: VidCruiter offers pre-recorded and live video interviews, along with various recruitment software tools to assist in the hiring process.

9. InterviewStream: InterviewStream offers virtual interviewing and assessment tools for employers and educational institutions.

10. is an AI-powered virtual assistant that can help schedule and conduct video interviews, streamlining the hiring process.

When selecting a video interview vendor or software for common video interview platforms, consider factors such as ease of use, security features, video quality, interview recording options, and integration with your existing HR systems. Always verify the latest offerings and features of these platforms, as the technology landscape evolves rapidly.

Don't Sit Too Far or Too Close

image for Stork's blog post on virtual interview tips

When participating in a video interview, finding the right distance from the camera is crucial to create a professional and engaging impression. Sitting too far or too close to the camera can have undesirable effects on your appearance and the overall quality of the video interview focused you. Let's explore the reasons why and how to strike the perfect balance:

Sitting Too Far from the Camera:

  1. Lack of Connection: Sitting too far from the camera may make you appear distant and disconnected from the interviewer. It can reduce the sense of engagement and connection during the interview.
  2. Loss of Visual Cues: Being too far from the camera may make it difficult for the interviewer to observe your facial expressions and body language, which are essential for effective communication.

Sitting Too Close to the Camera:

  1. Uncomfortable Proximity: Sitting too close to the camera can create an uncomfortable sense of intrusion for the interviewer. It may come across as invasive and hinder the natural flow of the conversation.
  2. Limited Visibility: Being too close to the camera can obstruct your gestures and facial expressions, making it challenging for the interviewer to read your non-verbal cues.

The Perfect Distance:

The ideal distance from the camera is typically an arm's length away. This distance allows you to be fully visible on the screen without appearing too distant or too close.

Position Yourself Centered:

Ensure that you are centered in the frame, with your head and shoulders visible. Avoid leaning too much to one side or being too off-center, as it may create a skewed perspective.

Eye Contact:

Remember to look directly into the camera when speaking. This establishes virtual eye contact and gives the impression of engaging directly with the interviewer.

Test Before the Interview:

Before the actual interview, do a test call with a friend or family member to check your positioning and lighting. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure you look your best on screen.

Prep for Optimal Eye Contact

image for Stork's blog post on virtual interview tips

Optimal eye contact is crucial in virtual interviews as it helps establish a connection with the interviewer and conveys confidence and engagement. Since direct eye contact in video interviews involves looking into the camera rather than at the interviewer's image on the screen, it requires some practice and preparation. Here are some tips to help you achieve optimal eye contact during your virtual interviews:

1. Position Your Webcam at Eye Level: Ensure your webcam is at eye level or slightly above to maintain a natural line of sight. This setup prevents the interviewer from looking up your nose or down at the top of your head.

2. Adjust Your Display Settings: If possible, set up a dual-monitor display. Keep the video conference window on the screen where the camera is located, so you can easily maintain eye contact without looking away.

3. Look into the Camera, Not the Screen: During the interview, resist the temptation to stare at the interviewer's image on the screen. Instead, look directly into the camera lens when speaking. This gives the impression of making eye contact with the interviewer.

4. Practice with a Friend: Conduct a mock video interview or interviews with a friend or family member and ask for feedback on your eye contact. They can provide valuable insights on how well you maintain eye contact during the conversation.

5. Use Sticky Notes as Reminders: Place small sticky notes around the edge of your screen, close to the camera, with phrases like "Look here" or "Eye contact." These visual cues can help you remember to maintain eye contact throughout the interview.

6. Record Yourself: Record a practice video interview and observe your eye contact patterns. Take note of any moments when you unintentionally look away from the camera and work on improving those instances.

7. Be Mindful of Blinking: Blink naturally and avoid staring for too long without blinking. Prolonged staring can make you appear tense or unnatural.

8. Take Short Breaks: If you find it challenging to maintain eye contact for an extended period, it's okay to take short breaks occasionally. Look away from the camera for a few seconds, then resume eye contact.

9. Relax and Be Yourself: Feeling comfortable and relaxed during the interview will help you maintain better eye contact. Remember to be yourself and engage in a natural conversation.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice, the more natural and effortless your eye contact will become. Regularly conduct mock interviews to refine your skills.

How early should you show up for a virtual interview?

image for Stork's blog post on virtual interview tips

Arriving on time for a virtual interview is just as important as for an in-person interview. However, there are a few differences to consider due to the virtual nature of the meeting. Here's a guideline on when to show up for a virtual interview:

1. Be Ready at Least 10 Minutes Early: Plan to be ready and logged into the video chat or conferencing platform at least 10 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Being early allows you to troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise and ensures you're fully prepared when the interviewer joins the call.

2. Don't Join Too Early: While being early is essential, joining the interview too far in advance may not be ideal. If you log in too early, you might inadvertently overhear private conversations or catch the interviewer off-guard while they're still preparing.

3. Enter the Waiting Room or Virtual Lobby: If the video conferencing platform offers a waiting room or virtual lobby feature, utilize it. This way, you'll be in a designated space before the interview starts, and the interviewer can admit you at the appropriate time.

4. Double-Check Your Setup: Use the extra time before the interview to double-check your technology setup. Ensure your camera, microphone, and internet connection are working correctly.

5. Review Your Notes: Take a few minutes to review any notes or key points you want to address during the interview. This will help you feel more confident and prepared when the conversation begins.

6. Stay Calm and Relaxed: While waiting for the interview to start, take deep breaths, and try to stay calm and relaxed. Avoid unnecessary stress or anxiety, as it may affect your performance during the interview.

7. Be Prompt When Admitted: When the interviewer admits you to the call, join promptly and professionally greet them with a smile and a warm hello.

8. Mind the Time Zone: Be mindful of time zones if the interview is scheduled across different regions. Confirm the interview time in the local time zone to avoid confusion.

9. Have a Backup Plan: Despite careful preparations, technical issues can still occur. Have a backup device or an alternative way to connect if needed.

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