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Thriving in the AI Economy: The Boundless Operating Model

May 17, 2024
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In today's rapidly evolving AI landscape, businesses are grappling with the challenge of staying ahead. According to a Salesforce study, 80% of customers believe human validation of AI outputs is crucial. The study also reveals that 81% of customers want a human in the loop when AI is making decisions. This article delves into the concept of a "Boundless Operating Model," a new framework for businesses to thrive in an AI-driven economy.

The Trust Gap in AI

As AI becomes more prevalent, there's a widening trust gap between companies and customers. While businesses are keen on leveraging AI for efficiency, customers remain skeptical. Only 37% of customers trust AI outputs as much as human outputs. This calls for a balanced approach where AI and human intelligence coexist.

The Boundless Company

Boundless companies are designed to be flexible, agile, and responsive to stakeholder needs. They focus on generating value not just for themselves but also for their customers, partners, and communities. These companies are characterized by resources that are empowered to be autonomous, connected, and mobile.

Key Components of the Boundless Operating Model

Reimagining the Operating Model

The Boundless Operating Model calls for a shift from traditional business structures to more fluid, interconnected systems. It emphasizes the importance of being in a state of constant flow and connectedness.

Core Business Processes

The model advocates for redesigning core business processes with a focus on customer value and success.

Relationship Strategy

It also emphasizes the need for a robust relationship strategy that defines the kind of relationships a business wants to maintain with its customers and other stakeholders.

SUDA: The Framework

The Boundless Operating Model introduces the SUDA (Sense, Understand, Decide, Act) framework. This framework is an evolution of other situational awareness models like the OODA loop. It places an autonomous entity—be it an employee, a team, or a company—in the context of a connected world, both locally and globally.


In a world increasingly driven by AI, the Boundless Operating Model offers a roadmap for businesses to be more responsive, agile, and prepared for the future. It serves as a guide for companies to design processes that enable them to act decisively and respond at the speed of need.


What is the Boundless Operating Model?

The Boundless Operating Model is a new framework that helps businesses to be more agile, responsive, and prepared for the challenges and opportunities in an AI-driven economy.

How does the SUDA framework fit into this model?

SUDA (Sense, Understand, Decide, Act) is a part of the Boundless Operating Model. It provides a structured approach for businesses to respond to dynamically changing conditions.

Why is human validation important in an AI-driven world?

According to research, 80% of customers believe that human validation of AI outputs is crucial. This underscores the need for a balanced approach where AI and human intelligence coexist.

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