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How to Record Phone Calls for Podcast

May 17, 2024
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phone call recording

Mastering the Art of Recording Phone Calls for Your Podcast

As technology continues to evolve, podcasts have gained immense popularity in the world of digital content. They offer a unique platform to share stories, educate, entertain, and communicate with a wide range of audiences. However, there's a catch - creating a high-quality podcast requires meticulous planning, creativity, and technical know-how. One crucial element in this process is the ability to record phone calls, particularly when interviewing guests who may not be in the same location as you. In this article, we'll delve into the practical steps you can take to successfully record phone calls for a guest record your podcast.

Understand the Legalities

image illustrating how to record phone calls for podcast blog by Stork

First and foremost, it's vital to understand the legal aspects surrounding the recording of phone calls. Laws vary from one jurisdiction to another, and in some areas, it is illegal to record a phone call without the consent of all parties involved. Always inform your guest about your intention to record the call and ensure that they're comfortable with it. Be sure to check the specific laws in your region and adhere to them strictly. Here is more on call recording laws.

Choose the Right Equipment

image illustrating how to record phone calls for podcast blog by Stork

To achieve high-quality audio recordings, the right equipment is a necessity. While your smartphone's built-in microphone can do the job, investing in a good quality external microphone can significantly improve the sound quality of audio data. A good set of headphones is also essential to monitor the call.

Select an Appropriate Call Recording App

image illustrating how to record phone calls for podcast blog by Stork

There are several call recording apps available in the market, offering various call recording features each. Some of the most popular ones include USA Call Recorder for iPhones and KeKu for iPhones and other platforms. These apps allow you to record the calls directly to your device or cloud storage and then export them to your preferred editing software. Evaluate the professional recording apps based on their ease of use, sound quality, and pricing before making a decision.

Set Up Your Call recording device

image illustrating how to record phone calls for podcast blog by Stork

Once your guest has agreed to be recorded and you have chosen your recording app, it's time to set up the call. Use a quiet, distraction-free environment to minimize background noise. Test your recording equipment, and the recording app beforehand to ensure everything is working perfectly. This can save you from unexpected technical glitches that could disrupt your whole recording session.

Record Your Call

image illustrating how to record phone calls for podcast blog by Stork

Initiate your call via the recording app. Begin by reiterating to your guest that the call will be recorded, then, start recording your conversation. Ensure that both voices are audible and have crystal clear audio throughout. During the call, try to minimize any noises or movements that could be picked up by the microphone, as these may interfere with the sound quality.

Post-Production of phone call recording

image illustrating how to record phone calls for podcast blog by Stork

After the call, use a reliable audio editing software like Audacity or Adobe Audition to edit the recording. This stage involves removing unwanted sounds, balancing audio levels, and adding intros, outros, or music. An essential tip here is to save your work frequently and keep backups to avoid losing any progress.

Transcribe the Audio

image illustrating how to record phone calls for podcast blog by Stork

Having a transcription of audio track for your podcast can improve accessibility and SEO. Transcriptions can be done manually, but this can be time-consuming. Alternatively, you can use automated services like Descript or Rev.

Upload and Share Your Podcast

The final step is uploading audio file of your podcast episode to your chosen podcast hosting platform. Ensure your podcast description is engaging and adequately represents what the episode is about. Share it on various platforms for maximum reach.

Remember, like any other skill, recording phone calls for podcasts improves with practice. The more you do it, the more proficient you'll become. Your first few attempts might not turn out perfect, but don't be disheartened. Keep experimenting, learning, and improving own audio yourself. Happy podcasting!

FAQ on Phone Call Recording

skype call over good internet connection

What is the best way to record a phone call for a podcast?

Recording a phone call for a podcast entails more than just the recording process itself. It's a combination of factors, including the equipment used, the remote recording software or app, and the post-production process. Here's the best way to approach it:

Get Consent: Always start by getting your guest's consent to record the call. Without this, you're not only disrespecting your guest's privacy, but you might also be infringing upon legal regulations.

Choose the Right Equipment: While you can technically use your smartphone's built-in microphone, investing in an external microphone can drastically improve the incoming audio call quality. A good pair of headphones is also essential to monitor the sound quality during the call.

Use a Call Recording App: KeKu and USA Call Recorder for iPhone offer the ability to save the recordings directly to your device or cloud storage, which can be handy for backup and accessibility.

Select a Quiet Environment: This may seem like an obvious point, but it's surprising how much background noise can be picked up during a phone call. Try to conduct your call in a quiet, distraction-free environment to minimize background noise.

same room and great internet connection

Test Your Equipment and App: Always conduct a test run before the actual recording begins. This will help you identify any potential issues and fix them before you're on the call with your guest.

Post-Production: Use audio editing software like Audacity or Adobe Audition to clean up and polish your recording. This could involve removing unwanted noise, balancing audio levels, and adding any intros, outros, or music.

Transcribe the Audio: Transcribing the audio not only makes your podcast more accessible to those with hearing impairments, but it also helps with search engine optimization (SEO) for your podcast. You can use transcription services like Descript to automatically transcribe your audio or use Stork app that automatically transcribes and summarizes all calls and video conferences.

phone interview

Remember that the key to a great recording is practice and patience.

Your first few attempts with audio recorder might not be perfect, but with time, you'll find a process that works best for you and produces high-quality recordings for your podcast.

Can you make a podcast from a phone call?

Yes, it is definitely possible to make a podcast from a phone call. This is particularly useful when your guest is in a different location and cannot physically be present for the recording. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a podcast from a phone call:

Consent: Always begin podcast interview by informing your guest that the call will be recorded for use in your podcast. It's not only polite, but also essential from a legal perspective in many jurisdictions.

Call Recording App: KeKu or USA Call Recorder

Setting Up the Call: Conduct your call in a quiet, distraction-free environment. Prior to the actual call, test your setup to ensure everything is working as expected.

Recording the Call: Initiate your call via the call recording app. At the start of the conversation, remind your guest that the call is being recorded. Try to maintain a good pace during the conversation, avoiding interruptions and overlapping speech which can make the recording method editing process more complicated.

Post-Production: After the call, transfer the recording to a computer for editing. Use audio editing software like Audacity or Adobe Audition to edit and enhance the sound quality of your recording. This could involve removing long pauses, reducing background noise, or balancing the volume of different voices.

Transcription: Consider transcribing your podcast episode to make it more accessible and to enhance its SEO. You can use automated transcription services like Descript or Rev for this purpose.

Publishing Your Podcast: Once your recording has been edited and transcribed, you can publish it on your preferred podcast platform. Don't forget to create a compelling description to attract potential listeners.

What equipment needed to start a podcast?

Starting a podcast requires some essential pieces of equipment to ensure high-quality audio that provides a pleasant listening experience for your audience. Here's a list of what you'll need:

Microphone: The microphone is perhaps the most crucial piece of equipment for your podcast. USB microphones are an excellent choice for beginners due to their ease of use and decent audio quality. However, if you want superior sound quality and are willing to make a larger investment, an XLR microphone might be the best option. Popular choices include the Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB (USB and XLR) and the Heil PR-40 (XLR).

Headphones: A good pair of closed-back headphones are essential for monitoring your audio while recording and editing podcast interviews. The Audio-Technica ATH-M50x is often recommended for podcasting.

Audio Interface: If you're using an XLR microphone, you'll need an audio interface to connect your microphone to your computer. The audio interface converts the analog signal from separate input of your microphone into a digital signal that your computer can process. The Focusrite Scarlett series is a popular choice among podcasters.

Pop Filter: A pop filter placed between you and the microphone can reduce plosive sounds - the hard 'P', 'B', 'T', and 'D' sounds that can cause distortion and clipping in your audio.

Boom Arm and Shock Mount: A boom arm allows you to easily adjust the microphone position, while a shock mount isolates the microphone from vibrations and handling noise.

Acoustic Treatment: To further improve the sound quality, consider adding some acoustic treatment to your recording space. This can be anything from professional foam panels to a simple, thick curtain or rug to absorb echo and reduce background noise.

Portable Recorder (Optional): While not strictly necessary, a portable recorder like the Zoom H5 or H6 can be very useful for recording phone interviews on the go or as a backup recording device.

Audio Editing Software: Once you've recorded your podcast, you'll need audio editing software to clean up and fine-tune your audio. There are plenty of options available, from free software like Audacity to professional-grade software like Adobe Audition.

Hosting Service: Lastly, once your podcast episode is polished and ready to go, you'll need a podcast hosting service to publish and distribute your podcast to platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

Remember, while having high-quality equipment can help produce better sound, content is still king. Focus on delivering valuable, engaging content for your listeners, and upgrade best audio quality of your equipment as you grow.

What is the best software to use for a podcast?

Choosing the best podcast recording software for your podcast depends largely on your specific needs and preferences. However, some software solutions have proven to be popular among podcasters due to their reliability, ease of use, and powerful features. Here are some of the top choices:


This free, open-source software is a favorite among many podcasters, especially those just starting out. Audacity is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. It provides a wide range of editing tools that are perfect for basic audio trimming, noise reduction, and multi-track mixing.

record a phone call

If you're a Mac user, GarageBand is a free and powerful tool you can use for recording and editing your podcast. It offers a more user-friendly interface than Audacity and also has a range of pre-made audio loops and sound effects.

voice recording app
Adobe Audition:

For those seeking professional-grade software, Adobe Audition is a popular choice. It offers an extensive set of advanced features for recording, mixing, and editing audio. This software is a part of Adobe's Creative Cloud suite, so it's not free, but its powerful capabilities make it well worth the investment for many podcasters.

recording app

Reaper is another professional digital audio workstation (DAW) that provides a high level of customization and advanced editing tools. It's not free, but it does have a generous trial period and a reasonable price tag compared to other professional DAWs.

record audio

If you're looking for a more straightforward, automated approach to podcast editing, Alitu could be the right choice. This web-based tool can automate several aspects of podcast production, like audio cleanup, adding music, and publishing to your podcast host.

recording software

Descript is an innovative tool that allows you to edit audio by editing text. It automatically transcribes your podcast and lets you cut, paste, and delete words or phrases as if you're editing a document.

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