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Google DeepMind’s AI Achieves Silver at International Math Olympiad

July 30, 2024
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But it's not just a simple win for AI.
  • Google DeepMind's AI nearly won gold at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).
  • The AI system combines two advanced models: AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2.
  • DeepMind's AI tackled the toughest math problems, surpassing many top human contestants.
  • OpenAI introduces Search GPT, joining the AI-powered search engine competition.
  • The significance of AI's progress in mathematical reasoning and formal proof generation.

Google DeepMind's AI: Almost Gold at the Math Olympiad

Google DeepMind's latest AI system just took a major step forward, coming within one point of winning gold at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). This achievement is impressive, given that the AI competed against the world's brightest young mathematicians.

DeepMind's system, which combines two models – AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2 – showcased its prowess by solving complex math problems that even top human contestants struggled with. As the blog post by DeepMind reveals, the AI system was designed to handle advanced mathematical reasoning and proof generation.

AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2: Breaking New Ground

AlphaProof is a novel model for formal reasoning, while AlphaGeometry 2 is an enhanced version of DeepMind's previous system. These models represent a significant leap in AI capabilities, particularly in the realm of mathematical problem-solving.

AlphaProof trains itself to prove mathematical statements using the formal language Lean, a functional programming language that aids in writing and maintaining correct code. This self-training approach is reminiscent of AlphaZero, which mastered games like chess and Go through self-play, discovering innovative and unconventional strategies that surpassed human abilities.

The Challenge of Mathematical Reasoning

Mathematical reasoning has long been considered one of the ultimate challenges for AI. Unlike tasks such as protein folding, which AlphaFold 2 addressed by predicting 3D structures of proteins, math requires a different kind of cognitive leap. It involves understanding and manipulating abstract concepts that underlie the very fabric of our universe.

The IMO is a prestigious event where the best young mathematicians from around the world compete. The problems are notoriously difficult, and contestants spend hours solving them. DeepMind's AI tackled these problems, solving some within minutes and others over several days, demonstrating both speed and perseverance.

AI's Impact on Science and Discovery

The implications of AI's advancements in mathematical reasoning are profound. As Sir Timothy Gowers, an IMO gold medalist and Fields Medal winner, remarked, "The fact that the program can come up with a nonobvious construction like this is very impressive and well beyond what I thought was state-of-the-art."

This breakthrough highlights a recurring pattern in AI development. Just as AlphaGo's move 37 stunned human experts with its brilliance, DeepMind's AI is now producing novel solutions that human minds might not conceive. This capability to generate non-obvious constructions opens up new frontiers in science and discovery.

The Future of AI in Mathematics

DeepMind's AI system achieved a score of 28 out of 42 at the IMO, just one point shy of the gold medal threshold. With 609 contestants from around the world, only 58 earned a gold medal, highlighting the AI's remarkable performance. As AI models continue to improve, it's likely that they will soon achieve gold medal status.

The process behind this achievement involved translating natural language math problems into formal mathematical language using Lean. This translation was partly done by a fine-tuned version of Gemini, DeepMind's large language model. This approach aligns with the broader trend of using AI to train and improve other AI models, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of advancement.

Search GPT and the AI-Powered Search Engine Competition

In related news, OpenAI has announced Search GPT, a new AI-powered search engine. This entry into the AI search engine arena joins competitors like Perplexity, which excels at web searches. However, access to Search GPT is currently limited, requiring interested users to join a waitlist.

The competition in AI-powered search engines reflects the broader trend of AI's integration into various aspects of technology and daily life. As these systems evolve, they promise to enhance our ability to find and interpret information more efficiently and accurately.


DeepMind's achievement at the IMO marks a significant milestone in AI development. The combination of AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2 has demonstrated that AI can tackle some of the most challenging problems in mathematics, producing novel solutions that rival those of human experts.

As AI continues to advance, its role in scientific discovery and problem-solving will only grow. The future promises even more groundbreaking achievements as AI systems become increasingly capable and sophisticated. The question now is not whether AI can keep up with human intelligence, but how far it can surpass it.

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