Synthesis Tutor

Looking for an educational tool for your child? Synthesis Tutor is the perfect solution for children in Arizona, offering benefits and the power of artificial intelligence to support their learning.

Why Synthesis?
Here's what you need to know about this tool:

Trusted by Parents:
Synthesis has gained the trust of over 10,000 parents who rely on it to mentor their kids. The tool provides exercises tailored to uncover the deep structure of math and guides kids with personalized feedback. Moreover, kids using Synthesis fall in love with critical thinking, enabling them to excel in and out of the classroom.

Inexpensive and Accessible:
For just $29 per month, you can provide your child with a superhuman tutor that works just like a private tutor. Plus, Synthesis can be accessed instantly from anywhere, making it convenient for both kids and parents.

What Does Your Child Learn?
Through Synthesis, children can build strong foundations in various topics, including place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, pre-algebra, geometry, and dynamics. The tool is designed to empower children to exceed educational expectations and discover the true power of numbers and arithmetic properties. It also teaches algebraic thinking, enabling kids to reason, generalize, and find patterns even when faced with unknown facts.

Special Offer for Arizona Residents
If you're a resident of Arizona, your child can get access to Synthesis for FREE through an Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA). This account is administered by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and funded by state tax dollars to provide education options for qualified Arizona students.

Pros and Cons of Synthesis

  • Trustworthy and proven effective by thousands of parents
  • Exercises tailored to uncover the deep structure of math
  • Personalized feedback and guidance for kids
  • Inexpensive and accessible, with a monthly fee of $29


  • Focuses primarily on math and critical thinking
  • Only available for children aged 7 and above

Sign up your child for Synthesis today and introduce them to this innovative and powerful educational AI.

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