
Wordmetrics is your ultimate writing assistant, designed to supercharge the visibility of everything you write. It's an AI-powered writing platform that guides your content creation process to ensure effective writing for search engines, saving you time in the process.

What Wordmetrics Can Do for You

Live Search Data

Wordmetrics guides your writing in real-time to drive traffic to your website.

Cloud Based

Access, write and optimize your SEO content from any web browser in a secure, cloud-based environment.

Always Learning

Wordmetrics learns from competing pages and optimizes your posts' relevance to search-intent, ensuring your content is always aligned with search engine algorithms.

Dead Simple Toolset

Wordmetrics offers a user-friendly toolset for writers to get started right away.

Pros and Cons


  • Real-time guidance for writing optimized content
  • Cloud-based and always up-to-date
  • User-friendly with no learning curve
  • Helps you build a Semantic Index for your targeted search phrases


  • Currently in private beta, so access is limited
  • An extra cost once officially launched

Wordmetrics helps content marketers focus on writing smarter, faster, and more profitably. If you're ready to enhance your content marketing, consider giving Wordmetrics a try today!

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