
Are you tired of spending hours searching through documentation and conversations trying to find the information you need about your codebase? Unblocked is an AI-powered tool trained on the systems you use, providing you with accurate answers to your code-related questions. Consider using Unblocked in your development workflow.

Benefits of Unblocked

Quick and Accurate Answers

Unblocked offers quick and reliable answers to any question you have about your codebase, saving you time and minimizing disruptions to your coding flow.

Virtual Team Member

Unblocked acts like a virtual team member in your Slack conversations, responding to questions just like a human colleague would. It helps answer support questions from your customers or open source community, ensuring everyone gets the answers they need promptly.

Source References and Context

Unblocked doesn't just provide answers—it also gives you direct links to the references it uses, offering deeper insights into your codebase. It also identifies the best team members to provide additional context if needed.

Access to Code's History

By tapping into your source code system, messaging system, and bug tracker, Unblocked helps you understand past discussions and decisions right within your IDE. It brings you the same knowledge your teammates originally had during those conversations.

Video Creation and Transcription

Unblocked allows you to create videos to explain concepts or walk through your work. Every video is fully transcribed, and the materials you reference are automatically captured and cited, making it easy for your team to quickly find relevant information.

Testimonials from Users

If you're still unsure about Unblocked, here's what some of our users have to say about the tool:

"Unblocked empowers every developer with the insight once reserved for the seasoned few. Bridging code, documentation, and collective wisdom, this tool reshapes the knowledge landscape, making expertise available and elevating the craft of software development." - Mathew Spolin, SVP Engineering

"If you can't quickly find an answer to your question, it's tempting to bother a colleague who might know. Unblocked is the first app that can actually bring together knowledge from the tools that I use and make it available to me through natural conversation." - Brent Vatne, Engineering Manager

Cons of Unblocked

· Dependence on AI: Some users might be wary of relying solely on an AI-powered tool for critical code-related decisions.

· Privacy Concerns: Unblocked's integration into your messaging system may raise privacy concerns for some users.

In conclusion, Unblocked can be an invaluable addition to your development toolkit, helping you streamline your workflow and access essential codebase knowledge.

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