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The conversational intelligence platform

May 17, 2024
The conversational intelligence platform

Discover the Cutting-Edge Tool Streamlining Your Meetings: Leexi

Navigating the bustling world of sales meetings and client calls often feels like trying to stay afloat in a relentless sea of information. Thankfully, modern technology has paved the way for smarter, more efficient work practices. One such gem in the technological treasure trove is Leexi – a conversational intelligence platform designed to transcribe, analyze, and summarize your calls and video conferences.

Effortless Note-Taking and Call Summaries

Leexi simplifies your workflow by automating note-taking. Whether you wish to pen down points during the call or let the call transcription assist you afterward, Leexi's got you covered. Moreover, imagine finishing a call and receiving a succinct summary in your email or directly in your CRM system. These summaries are not just time-saving but can offer insights into each call, helping you focus on what matters most.

Reduce Onboarding Time

Onboarding new sales staff can be daunting and time-consuming. However, with Leexi’s intuitive call library, you can rapidly empower incoming team members by leveraging the skills and experiences of your top performers.

Drive Your Success Rates Higher

Every interaction is an opportunity. Leexi provides detailed analytics on your team's call activities, enabling you to discern successful strategies and replicate them across the board. With conversational intelligence, the data from your calls are analyzed to help you convert more prospective deals into actual sales.

A Trustworthy European Ally

Throughout Europe, many companies place their trust in Leexi, finding it an invaluable ally for recording meetings and automating minutes, especially when integrated with CRM and email.

Foster Collaborative Growth

Leexi encourages teamwork with features that allow live commentary and note-sharing during calls. It fosters an environment where teams can work closely, learning from each call's contextualized summary chosen by you.

Integration and Ease of Use

The tool seamlessly integrates with your existing VoIP, conferencing, calendar, CRM, and communication tools. Set up is quick, and onboarding involves three straightforward steps, with results noticeable from the first month.

Why Leexi?

Leexi is more than just a recording or CRM tool; it’s a comprehensive solution that serves as an adjunct to your sales CRM and telephony and video conferencing tools. It’s the perfect companion for sales professionals and team managers, designed specifically to enhance coaching and continuous team improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Leexi? Leexi is a platform that records, transcribes, and analyzes sales calls, acting as a powerful addition to a sales CRM.


How does Leexi enhance sales CRM and cloud telephony? Leexi integrates with your sales tools to offer call replay, focused coaching, and quality onboarding. It targets to improve your team's performance based on the analysis of each call, placing customer relationships at the heart of your strategies.


What problems does Leexi address? It aims to bridge the gap between your best salespeople and the rest, limit information silos, understand deal breakers, and identify effective sales methods. All these while easing the onboarding of new sales staff.


Integration costs and efforts? Installing and integrating Leexi is without additional fees, ensuring a cost-effective setup for your business.

Leexi stands as a testament to the potential of AI in shaping the future of efficient sales processes. Its ability to blend seamlessly into existing workflows while offering deep insights into sales interactions makes it a valuable addition to any sales and customer-facing team’s arsenal.

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