Are you tired of spending hours staring at a blank screen, trying to come up with the perfect cover letter, tweet, or LinkedIn post? Look no further than TextGPT! TextGPT is an AI-powered tool designed to assist you in crafting smarter and more effective text input directly within your favorite web applications and text editors.

Get Started

Getting started with TextGPT is easy and free! Simply install the extension from the Chrome Web Store, generate an OpenAI API key, and enter it into the extension's settings. Once set up, you can start using TextGPT right away. Just type in your keyword and start typing, and TextGPT will generate intelligent and context-aware text suggestions to help improve your writing.


TextGPT comes with a range of features to enhance your text editing experience, including:

  • Smarter Text Input: Leverage the power of OpenAI's ChatGPT to generate intelligent text suggestions.
  • Customizable Activation: Choose a unique keyword to activate the extension and control when to engage with the AI assistance.
  • OpenAI API Integration: Seamlessly integrate your OpenAI API key to unlock the full potential of the extension.
  • Automatic Key Generation: Generate an OpenAI API key with a single click for a hassle-free setup.
  • User-Friendly Settings: Customize the extension's behavior and preferences using the intuitive options page.
  • Save and Sync Options: Save and sync your extension settings across devices using Chrome's storage.

See TextGPT in Action

TextGPT isn't just talk – it's here to help you with real-world tasks. Whether it's crafting tweets on Twitter, composing posts on LinkedIn, or assisting with job applications, TextGPT is your virtual co-pilot for smarter text input in the browser.

So why spend countless hours staring at a blank page when TextGPT is here to help? With its AI-powered capabilities, TextGPT can help you improve your writing, communication, and productivity. Try it today and see for yourself how it can help you achieve your goals. Install TextGPT and take your writing to the next level!


  • Easy to use and integrate into your existing workflow.
  • Saves time and boosts productivity by generating intelligent text suggestions.
  • Customizable settings provide a personalized experience.


  • Limited to users of the Chrome web browser.
  • Requires an OpenAI API key for full functionality.

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