
Discover the Ease of Transcribing and Translating with FreeSubtitles.AI

Have you ever been in need of quick, precise transcriptions and found yourself bogged down with lengthy manual processes? Or perhaps you've struggled to translate an audio clip from a foreign language video? Look no further, as FreeSubtitles.AI provides a convenient and efficient solution to these challenges.

FreeSubtitles.AI is an innovative tool designed to transcribe audio and video content to text effortlessly. It leverages advanced AI technology to offer automatic transcription and translation services, making it an invaluable tool for content creators, journalists, students, and anyone needing to convert spoken words into written text.

Core Features:

FreeSubtitles.AI is packed with features to suit both casual users and professionals, including:

  • Free Transcriptions: You can upload files with a maximum size of 300 MB and with a duration of up to 1 hour.

  • Paid Transcriptions: For heavier users, the limit goes up to an impressive 10 GB file size and 10 hours in duration, allowing for the processing of substantially larger files.

  • High-Quality Models: The service employs the Whisper Model Medium for transcription, ensuring a high accuracy rate. For those who opt for the paid version, the Whisper Model Large V2 offers the highest level of accuracy.

  • Translation Capabilities: On the translation front, FreeSubtitles.AI uses an open-source M2M_100 model for effective results. Paid users get access to superior translation services like DeepL and Yandex.

  • Language Support: With auto-detection and support for 111 languages for the audio file and translation options for 91 languages, the tool caters to a global user base.

  • Unattended Processing: One of the perks of the paid service is the ability to leave the transcription processing in the background. Your work will continue even if the browser tab is closed.

How to Use FreeSubtitles.AI:

Using FreeSubtitles.AI is straightforward:

  1. Simply select or drop an audio or video file onto the website.
  2. Choose the language of the file or let the auto-detect feature do its work.
  3. If necessary, select a target language for translation.
  4. Let the AI do the rest, uploading your file and starting the transcription process.

With a simple interface and user-friendly process, the tool is accessible even to those with limited technical knowledge.

The Pros and Cons of FreeSubtitles.AI:


  • User-friendly interface
  • Free version available for light users
  • Large file and duration limits for paid users
  • Supports a wide variety of languages
  • High accuracy transcription and translation
  • Background processing for uninterrupted work


  • Larger files and longer duration are limited to paid users
  • Transcription cancels if the browser tab closes in free version

To sum up, FreeSubtitles.AI is a powerful and accessible tool for turning spoken language into text and translating it into various languages. Whether for creating subtitles, transcribing interviews, or translating content, it provides a valuable service that can save users countless hours of work. With both free and paid options, it's a flexible solution to fit different needs.

Interested users can visit the tool's website and explore further details about the service. For updates and community interaction, the makers of FreeSubtitles.AI can be reached through social platforms like Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and GitHub. Should you need assistance or have queries, their customer service can be contacted via email.

For information about user privacy and terms of service, you can review the website’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service sections to ensure informed use of the tool.

In conclusion, FreeSubtitles.AI can be your go-to solution for fast and accurate transcription and translation, enhancing your productivity in handling multimedia content.

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