Are you tired of manually extracting data from receipts, invoices, and other documents? FormX is a powerful data extraction tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to transform information from physical documents into structured digital data. Whether you need to extract data from invoices, receipts, purchase orders, bank statements, contracts, or any other type of document, FormX has got you covered.

How Does FormX Work?

FormX makes data extraction easy with its impressive features and capabilities:


Pre-configured Data Extraction Models: FormX comes with pre-configured data extraction models for general shopping receipts, identity cards, and most official licenses, allowing you to extract data with just a click.


Effortless API Integration: The tool's data extraction is API-based, returning results in JSON format, making it easy to integrate with any software.


User-friendly Web Portal: With intuitive instructions, FormX can be a low or no-code platform, allowing users to manage parsing configurations, test out data extractions or features, and access integration materials on its portal.


Mobile Phone Scanning: You can easily scan document photos with your mobile phone, and FormX will process them, ensuring extraction accuracy through optimization.

How Can FormX Help You?

FormX offers a wide range of document solutions, including but not limited to:

· Receipts

· Identity cards

· Business certificates

· Address proofs

· Invoices

· Business cards

FormX can automate the extraction of invoice data using OCR and ML, making your data extraction process quick and efficient.

Successful Implementations

FormX has already been successfully utilized by organizations like the Li Ka Shing Foundation's "Instant Relief Fund," where more than 45,000 applications were handled comfortably, providing financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises in Hong Kong. This showcases the benefits of artificial intelligence in data extraction and how it can streamline and simplify complex processes.

Schedule a demo today and see how FormX can revolutionize your data extraction process. With its AI-powered capabilities, FormX is the key to unlocking the potential of your document data.

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