
Enhance Your Website Forms with AI in Just 2 Minutes

Have you ever considered adding artificial intelligence to your website's forms, surveys, and text inputs to improve your users' experience? EnhanceAI is an easy-to-use AI tool that can be integrated into any website with just two lines of code. Let's explore how this AI-powered tool can elevate your website.

What Is EnhanceAI?

EnhanceAI is a powerful AI tool that can be added to any website in just two minutes. By integrating any GPT model, such as ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-3.5, or GPT-4, it provides intelligent autocomplete and input suggestions, creating a seamless and intuitive user interface.

How It Works

With EnhanceAI, you can enhance your website's text inputs in just a few steps:

1. Integration: Import the EnhanceAI package with a simple line of code.

2. Customization: Provide custom prompts for user inputs to enhance context.

3. No-Code Tools: Integrates seamlessly with all major no-code tools and UI frameworks.

With this straightforward process, you can quickly enhance your website with intelligent AI, providing a better experience for your users.

The Benefits

Here are some advantages of using EnhanceAI:


· Ease of Use: Integrates seamlessly with any website in just 2 minutes.

· Flexibility: Supports customization features and context options.

· Analytical Insight: Provides usage analytics and support features.

· Access to GPT Models: Offers access to all OpenAI's GPT models with power user plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does it cost?

The first 100K tokens (words) are free. If you have heavy usage, there's a paid tier with transparent pricing.

Q: Can I provide custom prompts?

Custom prompts can be provided for user inputs through the context option, giving you control over the AI's suggestions.

Q: Which models are available?

EnhanceAI supports all of OpenAI's GPT models, allowing you to upgrade to more advanced models based on your needs.


EnhanceAI offers a simple, yet powerful solution to embedding AI models into any website. Whether you're developing a job application portal, a generative art platform, or an internal tool, EnhanceAI can enhance your text inputs and bring intelligence to your web forms. Start using EnhanceAI today and take your website to the next level!

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