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Codeless AI Infrastructure For Growth Marketing

May 17, 2024
Codeless AI Infrastructure For Growth Marketing

Unveiling the Power of AI in Growth Marketing

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, achieving effervescent results is the gold standard. With the influx of data, platforms, and competition, marketers are always on the prowl for innovative ways to enhance their campaigns. Enter Pixis, a platform offering codeless AI solutions meticulously designed to bolster demand generation and marketing performance.

Pioneering Performance with AI

Pixis stands out with an impressive suite of tools that harness artificial intelligence to amplify campaign results across various digital platforms.

  • Targeting AI: Utilizing advanced neural networks, this system delves into user behavior and market trends to pinpoint and convert the right audiences in real time. Marketers can unearth new audience cohorts and scale those with proven conversion rates seamlessly.

  • Creative AI: Creativity in marketing can now be supercharged with generative AI models. This feature drastically shortens the time it takes to produce high-quality videos and static assets. Customizing content for different personas across diverse platforms is no longer a months-long creative slog.

  • Performance AI: This component focuses on return on ad spend (ROAS), guiding marketers to make more informed decisions across their channels. By automating bid and budget pacing, it helps marketers achieve a more consistent cost per acquisition (CPA) and shields campaigns from unforeseen market turbulence.

Explore Targeting AI Explore Creative AI Explore Performance AI

Smashing Performance Goals

By integrating Pixis, you can expect some transformational shifts in your marketing metrics:

  • Slashing Customer Acquisition Costs: A reported average reduction of 33% in CAC illustrates the platform's efficiency in eliminating unnecessary ad spend on broad audiences.

  • Speed Up Creative Processes: With a 70% faster turnaround time on creative production, assets that once took days can now be spun up in mere minutes.

  • Enhanced Conversion Rates: With fine-tuned audience targeting, businesses experience a 30% average increase in conversion rates.

  • Social Media Mileage: The real-time delivery of contextual communication bumps social click-through rates by 30%.

  • ROI Surge: An overall 28% average boost in ROI points to better cross-platform marketing performances.

Real Success Stories

Feedback from industry leaders spotlights the real-world effectiveness of Pixis:

  • CARSOME: Embraced by multiple facets of their digital strategy, Pixis helped CARSOME enhance brand awareness and reach.

  • Klar: Chief Marketing Officer Timothee Basquin saw their performance optimization plan, which typically spanned a month, collapse into a single day with Pixis.

  • DHL Express: Sanup Pillai, Global Head of Digital Marketing & MarTech, praised Pixis for enabling more effective audience connections and liberating resources for strategic planning.

Activate AI Within Seconds

Pixis prides itself on its swift integration and ease of use. Without writing a single line of code, marketing teams can spark the power of Pixis and witness an immediate impact on their campaigns.

Pros and Cons


  • Time-saving with rapid creative asset generation
  • Improved decision-making with Performance AI
  • Enhanced targeting precision, leading to better ROI


  • Reliance on technology may intimidate non-tech-savvy marketers
  • Full trust in AI decision-making can be challenging to adopt

Replacing intuition with algorithms and data points, Pixis offers a competitive edge in the digital marketing arena. It’s about time that brands let AI take the wheel for navigational guidance towards skyrocketing campaign performance.

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