
ChatWithPDF: Get More Out of Your PDF Documents

Are you a student or professional who often finds it tedious to scan through extensive PDF documents looking for specific information? Do you find yourself spending hours flicking through pages trying to extract specific facts related to your queries? Introducing ChatWithPDF—an AI-powered tool that simplifies the process of extracting precise information from large PDF documents.

Installed as a ChatWithPDF plugin, this AI tool is designed to search against both small and large PDF documents, saving you time by locating relevant information based on your queries.

How to Use

Using ChatWithPDF is easier than ever! By simply providing a publicly accessible PDF URL, the plugin processes and extracts the most relevant information for your search.

For example, you can use publicly available PDF links from services like Google Drive, or upload your documents to a service like when interacting with ChatWithPDF.

Once integrated, you can engage in conversations with ChatGPT using this plugin, and it will efficiently analyze the provided PDF's content, fetching the most appropriate matches based on your queries.

Key Features

ChatWithPDF offers a range of features to streamline your experience with PDF documents:

· Directly search PDF documents within ChatGPT

· Search PDFs of any size, language, or topic

· Privacy: Ensures document security with immediate deletion of all processed data

· Search PDFs for any length and quality

How It Works

Presenting a seamless process, ChatWithPDF simply requests a publicly accessible PDF URL which is later processed by the plugin. After comprehensively analyzing the PDF, the relevant data is matched with your queries, and the most accurate results are returned to you.

Privacy Assurance

With the core focus on privacy, ChatWithPDF does not permanently store any data intentionally. All data is wiped immediately after processing, and email addresses or other user credentials are never stored.

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by lengthy PDF documents, ChatWithPDF emerges as a promising solution. It's your reliable guide in navigating complex PDFs and a powerful tool to make document scanning a walk in the park.


· Streamlines extraction of information from large PDF documents

· Offers privacy and security with immediate data deletion

· Provides ease of access and convenience for user queries


· Limited to publicly accessible PDFs for processing

· Dependency on externally hosted PDF documents

ChatWithPDF—empowering you to extract content from PDFs with nimble ease.

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