AI Placeholder

Discover the Magic of AI Placeholder: Your Partner in Data Mocking

In the development world, visualizing data scenarios is crucial for testing and prototyping. AI Placeholder steps up to the podium by offering a powerful tool that harnesses the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo Model API to generate mock data, offering flexibility to developers and designers who are crafting new applications.

Effortless Fake Data Generation

This cunning application provides an expansive range of dummy data with astonishing ease. Imagine you're designing a customer relationship management (CRM) system and need to visualize financial transactions or deals that exceed a certain value—AI Placeholder can simulate this for you.

Customization at your Fingertips

The true magic of AI Placeholder lies in its customization. You can define the type of content you need, from generic posts to social media entries such as Instagram posts. Moreover, you're not just limited to the type—you can also specify the number of entries you desire along with particular fields for each record.

For instance, you want to display several Instagram posts with specific details like user ID, captions, and image URLs. With a simple request, you'll receive an array of data formatted in JSON, fitted to your specifications.

Build it Yourself

For the enthusiasts who prefer total control, a self-hosted option is available. With a set of straightforward instructions, you can clone the repository, set up your environment variables, and launch your server with just a few commands.

For deployment, while Deno Deploy does not support import maps from deno.jsonc directly as of the writing of this guide, you can create a Github Action Workflow that suits your project.

Community and Contributions

AI Placeholder welcomes collaboration through pull requests. If you're considering substantial changes, the platform encourages opening an issue to discuss your thoughts first. Testing and updating are critical, so the application asks community members to bear this in mind.

Extend your Support

An initiative powered by the passion of a solo developer, AI Placeholder extends an invitation to support the project through donations. This gesture goes a long way in maintaining and enhancing this innovative tool.

Embrace Open Source

The project comes under the MIT license, allowing for a wide range of uses and contributions. It embodies the spirit of sharing and collective improvement that is synonymous with today’s tech landscape.


AI Placeholder stands out as a versatile, user-friendly solution for anyone needing to create diverse data sets for testing purposes. Its blend of simplicity and depth makes it an excellent resource for both novice and veteran developers in their quest to design, test, and perfect their applications.

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